Landscape Conservation: Ashburnham Forest Legacy Project Complete
Posted 11/29/13
Phil Hagar has volunteered as land steward at the Tuck Conservation Area since 2000. Now, he has worked with Mount Grace to protect his land as part of the Metacomet-Monadnock Forest Legacy Project.
Forever Wild in Northfield
Posted 11/29/13
“We chose to go ‘Forever Wild’ because we just wanted to get some old forest.”—Bill Copeland
Farm Conservation: Greenfield's Town Farm
Posted 11/29/13
"We all believe in a better future; and for anyone who has ever worked the land, one thing is for sure: growing a farm is the ultimate act of faith in a better future.”--Jay Lord
Landscape Conservation: Protecting New England's National Trail
Posted 11/29/13
"We want to share our land with hikers, snowshoers, and cross country skiers. For us it is the perfect legacy."--Sam and Barbara Richardson
Community Conservation: A Lawton Forest Reunion
Posted 11/29/13
Mount Grace 25th Annual Meeting: Bob Durand Speaks
Posted 11/29/13
Mount Grace Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting: Bob Durand Speaks about the Tully Initiative
Community Conservation: Lawton Forest - 30 Years Ago
Posted 11/29/13
30 years ago today, Mount Grace purchased the 365-acre Lawton Tree Farm - our first project! Here's the story from the December 30, 1986 Greenfield Recorder.