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Mount Grace: Workplace Giving

Posted Friday, November 29, 2013

There are a several ways to support Mount Grace at work.  Ask your employer if any of these programs are available at your workplace.  Please consult your employer's workplace giving guide when making a workplace gift. If your company does not host a workplace giving campaign or does not include Mount Grace in its current campaign, contact us at kotker@

Matching Gifts

Hundreds of companies, both large and small, have employee matching gifts programs that may effectively double your gift to Mount Grace. If your employer offers matching gifts for qualifying 501c(3) organizations like Mount Grace, simply include your company’s matching gift form when you send us your contribution.


One of the simplest ways to start a workplace gift is through EarthShare, a federation of environmental charities which raises funding for more than 400 local and national conservation groups. With EarthShare, you may pledge an automatic deduction from each paycheck which is designated to Mount Grace to support our land conservation work.

A list of companies currently participating in EarthShare is here.

Learn more about EarthShare

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employee Gifts

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign is a voluntary program which affords employees who work for the Commonwealth, including UMass employees, the opportunity to support private, nonprofit health and human services and environmental organizations.  Mount Grace is listed as a COMECC-approved charity organization.