Conserved Lands
We invite you to visit our publicly accessible Conservation Areas (CAs) and other projects that we have helped conserve through our many collaborations and partnerships! As a landowner, Mount Grace has a policy of paying property taxes on all the land we own even though non-profits are exempt from these taxes.
Generally, Mount Grace CAs are open to the public for recreation such as hiking, bird watching, cross-country skiing, and hunting (with some exceptions). Some are ‘landlocked’ (with no access except through neighboring properties). On these CAs, permission to walk into the property must be obtained from the abutting landowner.
Mount Grace helps protect land around the region in many different ways including: pre-acquiring land that towns or state agencies protect, helping farmers apply for and negotiate agricultural preservation restrictions, supporting the projects of smaller trusts with bridge loans or technical expertise, and helping landowners protect their land through conservation restrictions. All of these publicly accessible projects are identified as well on the interactive map.
Conserving public access to quality hiking trails—enjoy the wildlife, serenity, and many health benefits of the outdoors
Protecting important wildlife habitat for the responsible enjoyment of outdoor enthusiasts
Working Farmland
Protecting productive farmland, the farmers and the viability of farming for future generations
Accessible Trails
Creating accessible trails for all people to have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors
Conserving critical wildlife habitat for the responsible enjoyment of future generations of anglers
Other Recreation
Sharing our protected open spaces with the public to provide quality recreational experiences