Margaret Power Biggs Society
Our Margaret Power Biggs Society recognizes individuals, businesses, organizations, and foundations contributing at least $1,000 annually to Mount Grace. The generosity of Society members gives Mount Grace the resources to conserve the local landscape in a sustained manner that supports the rural character of the region.
Mount Grace’s Skyfields Arboretum was owned for many years by the Willis family. It then became the summer home of noted organist E. Power Biggs and Margaret Power Biggs, who bequeathed it to the trust so it could be maintained as a place for the community to encounter nature.
Margaret Power Biggs supported Mount Grace for many years in order to further conservation across the entire region. Her commitment to philanthropy and conservation continues today, thanks to the assistance of the members of the Margaret Power Biggs Society.
We welcome your participation in the Mount Grace Margaret Power Biggs Society. To learn more about how you can become part of the Margaret Power Biggs Society, contact Major Gifts and Grants Manager David Kotker at 978-541-1767 or kotker@.