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Conservation Moves Forward at Thousand Acre Swamp

Posted 11/29/13

“Working in Thousand Acre Swamp was a rich experience in observing wildlife sign. After surveying the area, there was no doubt as to its importance as a wetlands resource to wildlife.” Paul Rezendes

Farm Conservation: Red Fire Farm Comes to Montague’s Blue Meadow

Posted 11/29/13

"This is quite possibly a once in a lifetime chance to secure some of the best vegetable farm land in the world."--Red Fire Farm's Ryan Voiland

Community Conservation: Another Side of Davenport Pond

Posted 11/29/13

Mount Grace Project Manager Paul Daniello first met Aleza Beauvais and Soren Rono in April, 2009, at a North Quabbin Regional Landscape Partnership landowner outreach meeting in Phillipston

MassLIFT-AmeriCorps: MassLIFT Program Begins

Posted 11/29/13

MassLIFT is based on the Common Ground program originally created by Mount Grace and Commonwealth Corps. The partner trusts recruit AmeriCorps volunteers for four positions, each with its own goals:

MassLIFT-AmeriCorps: Sampling the Falls River

Posted 11/29/13

Common Ground: Sampling the Falls River

Landscape Conservation: Ashburnham Forest Legacy Project Complete

Posted 11/29/13

Phil Hagar has volunteered as land steward at the Tuck Conservation Area since 2000. Now, he has worked with Mount Grace to protect his land as part of the Metacomet-Monadnock Forest Legacy Project.

Forever Wild in Northfield

Posted 11/29/13

“We chose to go ‘Forever Wild’ because we just wanted to get some old forest.”—Bill Copeland

Farm Conservation: Greenfield's Town Farm

Posted 11/29/13

"We all believe in a better future; and for anyone who has ever worked the land, one thing is for sure: growing a farm is the ultimate act of faith in a better future.”--Jay Lord

Landscape Conservation: Protecting New England's National Trail

Posted 11/29/13

"We want to share our land with hikers, snowshoers, and cross country skiers. For us it is the perfect legacy."--Sam and Barbara Richardson

Mount Grace 25th Annual Meeting: Bob Durand Speaks

Posted 11/29/13

Mount Grace Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting: Bob Durand Speaks about the Tully Initiative

Community Conservation: Lawton Forest - 30 Years Ago

Posted 11/29/13

30 years ago today, Mount Grace purchased the 365-acre Lawton Tree Farm - our first project! Here's the story from the December 30, 1986 Greenfield Recorder.

Landscape Conservation: Northfield Mount Hermon Conserves Trail

Posted 11/29/13

“Northfield Mount Hermon is very pleased to have worked closely to support the excellent work and land stewardship of our neighbors at Mount Grace.” --NMH Head of School Charles A. Tierney III.

Mount Grace's Campaign for Affordable Farms

Posted 11/29/13

Learn more about Mount Grace's innovative work with Red Fire Farm in Montague and the Campaign for Affordable Farms model of shared farm ownership.

Stewardship: Paul Dunn Beetle Survey

Posted 11/29/13

Neighbors, hikers, and casual visitors to Mount Grace's Paul C. Dunn Woodland Preserve in Ashburnham are all asking the same question...What are those things?

Community Conservation: First National Blueway

Posted 11/29/13

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar named the Connecticut River the nation's first Blueway, a designation meant to recognize and support local conservation, recreation, and restoration efforts.

Stewardship: New Trail at Fox Valley

Posted 11/29/13

Phillipston Scout Thomas Rose has remodeled the hiking trail at the Fox Valley Conservation Area for his Eagle Scout Project.

Farm Conservation: Protecting Murdock Farm

Posted 11/29/13

The Winchendon Springs Working Landscape Project, funded by Massachusetts’ new Landscape Partnership Grant, will permanently conserve 650 acres of land in Winchendon.

MassLIFT-AmeriCorps: Stories from Our Volunteers

Posted 11/29/13

Watch video of the most recent year of MassLIFT-AmeriCorps service and find out more about Sarah Wells, Mount Grace's newest staff member.

Twenty Hikes Download Available

Posted 11/29/13

Free downloads of Mount Grace's Twenty Years, Twenty Hikes guide to hikes on protected land are now available through the website (Photo David Brothers).

Phillipston Creates a New Town Forest

Posted 11/29/13

“Thousand Acre Brook and its surrounding woods are such a beautiful part of a much larger landscape...we hope to demonstrate the goal of conservation, man and nature living in harmony.” Rose Frizzell

Teaching Sustainable Forestry at Red Apple Farm

Posted 11/29/13

Red Apple Farm’s working forests, protected with a conservation restriction held by Mount Grace, provided a quintessential New England landscape for the international forestry conference.

Farm Conservation: Tax Credit Helps Protect Royalston Land

Posted 11/29/13

“I’ve been concerned about protecting this land since moving here, and the tax credit helped cover some of the costs of conservation to make it possible to protect the land this year.” - Diane Lincoln

Landscape Conservation: 1,800+ Acres Protected in 2012: A Banner Year!

Posted 11/29/13

Mount Grace protected 1,816 acres in 2012, including two farms; a conservation area on the Tully River; Phillipston’s town forest; and five properties qualifying for the state conservation tax credit.

Campaign for Affordable Farms

Posted 11/29/13

Thanks to everyone who has supported our capital campaign to purchase Red Fire Farm in partnership with farmers Ryan and Sarah Voiland.