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Baldwin Hill Conservation Area

The Baldwin Hill Conservation Area is 53 acres of sloping woodland with a dramatic view of Thousand Acre Swamp and Mount Monadnock. The excellent water quality and the isolation from heavily developed areas have made the Thousand Acre Swamp important habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife. In one year of sampling by the Athol Bird and Nature Club, over 100 bird species were observed in the wetland, including breeding American black duck, wood duck, and mallard.

Public Access

The Baldwin Hill Conservation Area is open to the public for non-motorized recreation including hiking, biking, and hunting. The trails on this property tie into a broader trail system involving the nearby Red Apple Farm, which has been created and maintained by the North Quabbin Trail Association.


165 Baldwin Hill Rd, Phillipston, MA 01331

Parking is available off Baldwin Hill Rd, approximately where the pavement ends. There is a sign on the left-hand side of the road.


Town of Phillipston

Year Protected


Property History

In 2012, Mount Grace worked with Mel and Reggie Haughton to protect 89 acres of their land. They protected 36 acres behind their home with a Conservation Restriction (held by the Town of Phillipston), and sold the remaining 53 acres to the Town of Phillipston as an addition to their abutting Town Forest. Mount Grace managed both projects and holds the CR on the Town-owned property. These projects are part of a decades long effort to conserve the entire Thousand Acre Brook and Swamp.