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Red Apple Farm

Red Apple Farm is a fourth-generation family farm that features a full farm store, Brew Barn, and pick-your-own apples, nectarines, peaches, pears, and berries. 

Public Access

Red Apple Farm is open to the public for the purchase of their farm grown produce, value-added products such as apple cider donuts, other baked goods, and much more from their farm store. The Brew Barn is also open in the summer and fall for customers to enjoy BBQ, cider, local wine, and beer from Moon Hill Brewing Co.

Red Apple Farm is the trailhead for the Red Apple Trail, a 7-mile trail that traverses Baldwin and Cobb Hill, entering Bearsden Conservation Area at Newton Reservoir and goes to the Thousand Acre brook to cascade along the Millers River to South Royalston center.


455 Highland Ave, Phillipston, MA 01331

Parking is available at the Farm Store

Trail Map


Al and Nancy Rose

Year Protected


Property History

In 2007, Mount Grace helped the Rose family place a CR on 103 acres of working woodlands adjacent to their orchards. The remainder of the farm is protected by an Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) held by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. Bill Rose is a critical advocate for land conservation in and around Phillipston, and has helped Mount Grace develop several successful projects with neighbors near the farm.