A once-in-a-generation conservation opportunity.
Winchendon Forest LLC notified the towns of Winchendon and Ashburnham that it intends to sell a 1,365 acre property to an entity called Longroad Land Holdings II, LLC for $6 million. Longroad proposed construction of a large-scale commercial solar development. The majority of Winchendon Forest LLC’s land has been enrolled in the Chapter 61 Current Use Enrollment Program, which gives towns a Right of First Refusal (ROFR) if the land is sold for development. In a Selectboard Meeting on December 12th, we asked the Town of Winchendon to assign their ROFR to Mass Audubon. Mass Audubon has secured financing and is committeed to purchasing and conserving the land. After two hours of public comments supporting our proposal, the town unanimously voted to assign the ROFR,helping keep the Winchendon Forest LLC land as forest, forever.
Context—What is Chapter 61?
The Chapter 61 Current Use Enrollment Program is an important tool for landowners. In exchange for agreeing to keep land in forestry, agriculture, or open space for a set period of time, landowners receive significant property tax reductions. When land is enrolled in Chapter 61, the Town automatically gets a “Right of First Refusal” (ROFR). If Chapter 61 land is proposed to be sold for development, the Town has 120 days to exercise the ROFR, or waive its rights. Importantly, a Town can also assign its ROFR to a conservation organization, like a land trust. If the rights are exercised, it means the Town or land trust is matching the offer to purchase the land and protect it. These types of partnerships are often critical, since towns may not have the capacity to match offers within the strict 120-day timeframe on their own.
Conservation Values
The Winchendon Forest LLC land:
- Represents approximately over 1,300 acres of unfragmented woods and streams.
- Contains portions of the headwaters of the Millers River, and the watershed of Sunset Lake and Lake Monomonac.
- Includes a backbone of forests and wetlands that maintains water quality in those headwater streams.
- Connects directly with more than 1,500 acres of surrounding protected land.
- Provides excellent opportunities for expanded public access and recreational opportunities.
- Includes more than 850 acres that the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program considers the most critical to sustaining wildlife and biodiversity in Massachusetts.
Why not solar?
Mount Grace and Mass Audubon are not opposed to solar development. Expanded solar capacity is necessary and important. However, after careful analysis of this particular site, we share the assessment that the scale of solar development proposed is incompatible with the conservation of the exceptional resources it contains. If Longroad’s proposed development of roughly 400 acres had been successful, it would have been one of, if not the, largest solar developments in Massachusetts and would have severely impacted the conservation values of the land.
Community Alignment
Protection the property is aligned with Winchendon’s 2020 Community Master Plan and its 2015 Open Space and Recreation Plan based on it’s large acreage, biodiversity, ecological value, and the role it plays in connecting thousands of acres of undeveloped, unfragmented land. Portions of the property also lie in the target area for land acquisition and conservation specified by the Winchendon Open Space and Recreation Plan. Protection of the land in Ashburnham is also supported by the 2023 Ashburnham Open Space and Recreation Plan.
The Towns of Winchendon and Ashburnham have partnered with land trusts over the past decades to protect land near the Winchendon Forest LLC property. Assigning the ROFR to Mass Audubon provides an opportunity to buffer those past investments and ensure that as the populations of Winchendon and Ashubrnham grows, residents will continue to have meaningful access to protected open space.